• @[email protected]
    83 months ago

    You don’t think Biden would criticize a KKK march? A neo Nazi march? Biden criticized Jan 6. How about an anti lgbtq march? Westboro baptist?

    I’m just saying, you’re considering this one instance and painting with too broad a brush. Have you only been alive for trump and Biden? Not all US presidents endorse everything bad. They even stand up against a lot of them, typically. Your comment just reads like you’re really young and can’t think past Israel. There are plenty of things neoliberals are at least performatively on the moral side of—social issues, anyway. 2/3 past presidents would’ve spoken out against a lot of things you (most likely) hate.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      Well… to be fair the sitting President at the time didn’t object to the the Charlottesville Nazi march, January 6th, etc, but tear-gassed an invited crowd at a church protesting the murder of black people.

      • @[email protected]
        13 months ago

        Right. So the original persons point of drawing criticism from presidents isn’t at all tied to what’s inherently right or wrong.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      I didn’t say presidents always condemn good things either. Most things, good and bad, don’t make it to the national level in the first place. I’m not saying Biden wouldn’t condemn a racist rally. I’m saying presidents as a political position, not any individual, rarely condemn anything that is regressive or reactionary. To my knowledge, not even Obama condemned the racist bullshit directed at him after winning. People were hanging racist effigies from trees.

      • @refalo
        -13 months ago

        your opinions are bad and you should feel bad

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          Are you saying that because you understand what I’m saying and disagree, or because you haven’t grasped the nuance in my statement?