• Null User ObjectOP
    13 months ago

    Someone could be literally everyone’s second choice and they would be eliminated first.

    That’s such an absurd manufactured edge case as to not be worth considering.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      … it’s a concise illustration of the core problem.

      RCV only cares about top votes - it can easily eliminate compromise candidates, just because they’re less popular as a first choice. Consider the following much-more-plausible election:

      40% want A > B > C.
      35% want C > B > A.
      25% want B > C > A.

      FPTP says A wins with a plurality of 40%, because FPTP sucks.

      RCV says B is eliminated and C beats A. Even though everyone who wanted A > C would prefer B. And if A beat C, everyone who wanted C > A would also have preferred B.

      Ranked Pairs says A vs B is 40-60 for B, A vs C is 75-25 for C, and B vs C is 65-35 for B. The Condorcet winner is B. Why should it be anyone else?