‘The car companies want to put small guy out of business.’

  • @[email protected]
    97 days ago

    “Whether you agree with this logic is irrelevant; this is the reasoning manufacturers use for restricting aftermarket parts and labour.”

    Isn’t this this the point of this community? To say we don’t agree with this reasoning, whether locking people out of repairs is a good business model or not, it’s one that some people don’t agree with.

    • @[email protected]
      14 days ago

      That is the point of this community, you are correct, but unless the Manufacturers can come up with viable alternatives, it isn’t going to change.

      Are there any proactive suggestions on how Manufacturers can accommodate third party repairers without compromising the security of their customers vehicles?

      I’m pretty sure that no one wants a repeat of the US Kia and Hyundai fiasco of last year?