A lot of privacy guides suggest avoiding Telegram. I understand that in its default mode there’s no E2EE (and no E2EE for groups at all). If people I know don’t wanttko use Signal, isn’t Telegram the lesser evil given it’s nicer privacy policy (than other popular ones)?

Say I use the FOSS version of it.

  • @[email protected]OP
    11 year ago

    Thanks everyone on sharing your thoughts ln this! This has been really helpful!

    I see some saying their policy says one thing about cooperation with law enforcement but they seem to have been doing just the opposite, reducing the trust overall in the rest of their promises (e.g. their data collection).

    Some compared to the closer to ideal apps such as Signal or Matrix in terms of privacy.

    I’m curious to also hear what do you do to compromise to keep your social connections? The practical side of navigating the current state of the Internet and people’s social life.

    It’s been an uphill battle with asking folks to use Signal, and Telegram seem to be better than giving out info to Meta.