In an episode of Two Nice Jewish Boys, which aired three weeks ago, host Weinstein said: “If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second.”

He claimed that “most Israelis” would do the same.

Meningher added that they would also want to wipe out Palestinians in “the territories”.

The clip of Weinstein and Meningher lauding the idea of all five million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank being wiped out has drawn fierce criticism online.

“Radio Rwanda in full effect here. This is deeply disturbing,” journalist Samira Mohyedeen wrote on X, referring to the broadcasts that incited genocide against the Tutsis during the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

  • @sacredfire
    113 days ago

    How do you feel about Nat Turner? Anyway, of course the Palestinians are using violence against an occupying entity. One can disagree with their methods, but it’s certainly not surprising or unexpected. You wanna steal the land? You gotta pay with blood, nobody should feel sorry for you.

    Now if you wanted to be a little bit more honest, you could certainly point out the hypocrisy of people living in western countries like the United States, France, or England, criticizing Israel for carrying out ethnic cleansing and colonization. All the while sitting pretty, enjoying the land and wealth generated by 400 years of colonization. Why is it that Israel now can’t do the same and enjoy the same benefits? Just because we are in a modern age and we’ve all of a sudden decided genocide and colonization is bad?! I get why none of you guys make that argument, because it is obviously bad PR, but at least it’s true!