The really interesting part is IMO this one:

  • Codex
    1813 hours ago

    Consider that to go on a site specifically for programming questions and then take a survey about it, you have to be the kind of person that cares about getting their code “right”. The majority of programmers I’ve met would only go there to copy-paste a quick answer, and those people have all moved to asking chat-gpt for code now.

    • Dark Arc
      410 hours ago

      The memes that I remember being all over Reddit about “where did you get that code … I stole it [from stack overflow]” honestly terrified, and continue to, terrify me.

    • @grudan
      310 hours ago

      Yep, the ones who are doing some kind of input on stack overflow (even just a survey) are way beyond the “let’s keep everything the same because to get rid of tech debt sounds like a bunch of work” camp.

    • @fuzzzerd
      18 minutes ago

      Why is that? I’ve read them referred to as dark matter developers (forget where I read this, maybe a book many years ago). They’re out there, they make up a majority of the field, yet they leave no trace because they do not blog, post on SO, or back in the day forums either as questioners or answerers.