• @[email protected]
    119 hours ago

    Nope, don’t need to. WebStorm can even detect nonexistent attributes for objects whose format the back-end decides, and tbh I’m not sure what sort of sorcery it uses.

    • @FizzyOrange
      16 hours ago

      Yeah IntelliJ does amazingly without type annotations but even it can’t do everything. E.g. if you’re using libraries without type annotations, or if you don’t call functions with every possible type (is your testing that good? No.)

      Static types have other benefits anyway so you should use them even if everyone in your team uses IntelliJ.

      • @[email protected]
        15 hours ago

        Yeah, our company has been meaning to transition to them for a while. I started saying Jsdoc comments but people complained about the pollution. Then I said fine, we’ll do TypeScript one day instead.

        That one day has yet to come. I don’t actually get to decide much at this company, after all. Aah, technical debt.

        • @FizzyOrange
          25 hours ago

          I’ve never done it but apparently you can actually gradually transition to Typescript one file at a time by renaming them from .js to .ts. Might help a bit. Good luck anyway!