A new economic report from TD says Canada is falling behind the standard-of-living curve compared to its peers.

  • BringMeTheDiscoKing
    241 year ago

    Some kids where I live have pediatricians. My 1 yr old son sees a public health nurse for vaccines, goes to emergency when something is wrong and i sneak him in for checkups when I have an appointment with my nurse practitioner, because pediatricians (and doctors in general) are in short supply.

    $10/day daycare sounds great, unless your kid isn’t already enrolled. Waitlists are mostly closed. I’ve called a dozen daycares at least and I’m on the waiting list for two, basically hoping for a string of cancellations.

    This gap in the market has resulted in a boom of unregulated daycares in random people’s houses! What could possibly go wrong with that?

    Cost of electricity is going up. Not because of oil prices, but because ratepayers need to pay (and pay and pay) for a government/crown corp boondoggle. But don’t worry, the people who pushed it all through can afford the rate hike, and solar panels and wind turbines and batteries to boot.

      • BringMeTheDiscoKing
        1 year ago

        I didn’t mean to give the impression that I’m stressed. I was just responding to the topic with my own experiences. I think our current provincial government is doing their best with a bad situation. We are dealing with the lack of doctors by rolling out supposedly gold standard collaborative care, which seems like a great idea but we just don’t have the money to support it properly. And as for our crown corp boondoggle, we voted out that government but we still have to pay for their stupid “legacy” project. And the high-ups on that project have already moved on to the next thing – maybe they’ll pick the least popular one to take the fall so they can check the ‘accountability’ checkbox.

        My postal code starts with A, b’y ;) What about my comment came off as Alberta-y? In that context the tone of my post would be very different, I think! My own fault for leaving my province to the imagination :)