I’m nearly finished rereading 1984 and my appetite for dystopian books is whetted. What are some other great ones I should check out?

  • Lvxferre
    21 year ago

    Fuck. How could I forget mentioning it? I love this book, and the political implications of the story - with powerful States being nuked into mutants, and the little NZ in the middle of nowhere, completely forgotten, is saved by its own lack of relevance. The whole idea of a story within another story, with non-human apes doing human activities (to drive the idea that we are behaving like the other apes too) was genial.

    Thanks for mentioning it!

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      No problem. I’m glad you liked it as well. I definitely read it right after brave new world around high school age. I should really re-read it. It’s been a long time.