• Catradora-Stalinism☭
    -91 year ago

    Your guess was as good as mine, he seem to hand the tanker groceries at one point, seems to gesture them to go back to the square, and has what looks like a full on convo with them.

    We don’t know what he said so its up in the air

    • @coltorl
      71 year ago

      Likely simply letting one of the tankers know that their fly was undone!

      • Catradora-Stalinism☭
        -121 year ago

        idk some people are weird like that

        fact is that the tanks waited for him to leave when they had no reason to, didn’t engage him at all, and then went on their merry way.

        I’d like to see a Palestinian kid be able to do the same to zionists

        • @coltorl
          51 year ago

          Unfortunately the students that could have brought peace to the middle east were horribly crushed the day before! Shame, really.