• and among us civilised western europeans there are many fascists murdering muslims or people assumed to be such or deemed as supporters of them. Anders Breivik murdered over 70 teenagers because of his ideology of fearing a muslim takeover of europe. When you measure muslims by their worst, then you need to measure yourself by people like Breivik too.

    I hope you see why that doesnt make sense in either case and is certainly no justification for allowing hate speech in the form of burning symbols of a group subject to discrimination.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Good point but Islamophobes are usually not particularly fond of any logic that questions their believes …

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      When you measure muslims by their worst, then you need to measure yourself by people like Breivik too

      I’m a pacifist queer atheist progressive green-party voter Canadian with a POC family. What do I have in common with a Norwegian Christian authoritarian right-wing ethno-fascist murderer? The number of chromosomes? You won’t see me supporting violence against anybody, but you won’t see me supporting a religion that stones people like me either. Do you?