• @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    One important point is imo that publicly burning the Quran as a provocation does not just offend the few fundamentalists but all believing Muslims in the world, also the moderate ones. That they don´t get angry and violent like the fundamentalists does not mean it´s not offensive to them. Because of this I consider not burning the Quran publicly simply as normal and polite behavior towards all Muslims -especially the moderate ones- and not at all as a form of appeasement to fundamentalists.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      but all believing Muslims in the world,

      Than all believing Muslims are fundamentalists. But we both know that that’s not the case. Moderate Muslims per definition don’t give shit. Like moderate Christians don’t care if you burn a bible. Or I don’t care if you burn a biography of Darwin. Sure I will think you are a dumb person to avoid. But ultimately it’s up to you, not my business.

      Also where do you draw the line? Homosexuality and modern view of women rights is offensive to conservative Muslims. Therefore, I prefer to draw a line at actual direkt harm to other people. Burning books, dumb and provocative - but so is a good portion of art.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        It´s not that simple. There is a wide spectrum between feeling offended and reacting with terrorism, don´t you agree?

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          All kind of folks is offended by all kind of things. The question is rather simple where do you draw the line.