Somehow this is the only country on earth where this seems to happen. When talking about shootings involving guns, okay, fine, the US is certainly an outlier there, but every country has cars and police.

This is murder.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Yeah, that kind of mind set is what the typical US police officer seems to have. And it gets people killed over and over for petty offences, if any.

    This woman gets scared, she becomes unpredictable. “Well then, let’s stand in front of the car so that she can’t leave without trying to run me over! That is a great reason for me to murder her!”

    Or you can just let her go. It’s the same reason why in other countries you typically don’t see the high speed chases that you see on the US. You start chasing somebody, they start taking risks that put everyone at risk. You just let them go and catch them later when things have calmed down.

    It’s the same reason behind why do many mentally ill people are murdered by police officers in the US because they don’t know how to deescalate.

    This in turn is all a consequence of the lack of training that US police officers have. They barely train with their gun and that is most of the Training they get.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I still blame the lady.

      In a mellow tone: “You are beeing accused of shoplifting”. “ok cya”. Hits the pedal…

      i guess we can settle on having better training is always better.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Remind me to shoot you in the knees next time you speed 5kmh…

        This is about appropriate force. If you can’t deescalate a situation then you have no business carrying a badge and a gun.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Exactly my point! What is wrong with these police officers that they ended up murdering a pregnant women over some petty shoplifting?

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                Good point. Resisting arrest should not lead to your Death unless you’re a terrorist or serial killer or any other imminent threat to society.

                Police officers should NOT be standing in front of a car with a drawn gun to talk to a shoplifting suspect, that is insanity.

                It is what police officers with no training and a culture of “respect mah athoritay!” do and it gets people needlessly killed.

                In this case it killed a pregnant woman. You really wanna die on that hill?

                • @[email protected]
                  1 year ago

                  Resisting arrest should not lead to your Death

                  They gotta stop you somehow. The cops are supposed to bring the situation under control. Because whoelse will? The more bullshit you pull, the easier it is for the cops to run out of options.

                  In this case it killed a pregnant woman.

                  She is primarily responsible for her own death and the death of her baby.

                  • @[email protected]
                    11 year ago

                    they gotta stop you somehow

                    No they don’t. Not at all costs. If you’re an active terrorist shooting around then sure, stop at all cost, even risking the lives of innocent civilians.

                    But this is a barely suspect of shoplifting. Death should never occur trying to stop a person like that. Worst case, you let her go. Yes. You let her go, as it’s not worth it.

                    This reminds me of that time where us police started shooting in a busy street, managed to miss all the bad guys but hit various innocent civilians.

                    You don’t start shooting unless there is no other option and for too many US police officers, shooting is the first option, like here.

                    The police officers could both have been standing next to the car, out of harms way. Had the woman left, then they could have followed her, at distance or close by if safely possible. Nobody had to die.

                    The police officer standing in front of the car cannot say that she endangered him, as he endangered himself by deciding to stand in front of the car.

                    Somehow the entire basic point is being missed that there CANNOT be a reason that a simple shoplifting (if that happened at all) leads to a person being shot dead. Police is responsible for safety of all and they should have deescalated the situation but instead they escalated it at every turn. Again this shows that US police officers have a huge lack of training.