I’ll start:

  • RSS and blogs, news vs. social media
  • XMPP vs. WhatsApp/FB messenger/Snapchat
  • IRC vs. Matrix, Teams, Discord etc.
  • Forums vs. Social media, Reddit, Lemmy(?)
  • cyd
    81 year ago

    Emacs. Still the best way to edit any kind of text in any context.

    • Freeman
      151 year ago

      I came to say vim…Is the debate still a thing?

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Vim is the greatest tool ever made for manipulating text as text. Emacs is easier to modify (I <3 Lisp) and is better at handling the semantics of the text it’s working with.

          Also, Emacs has evil-mode now, so the only reason to still prefer Vim is 1. A strange love of vimscript, or 2. A lack of permissions to install Emacs.

      • kotatsuyaki
        51 year ago

        I used to be on the vim side in the debates, but now that I’ve also used Emacs - Porque no los dos?

    • Litanys
      31 year ago

      Absolutely! I can’t believe when I stumbled across it in 2020 that it was as old as it is. And folks think it’s too old and decrepit to use, it’s inanely powerful.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I found it really funny when the “second brain / knowledge base” apps (like Obidian, Joplin, Logseq) started to explode semi-recently. “Organize your thoughts! Tag everything! Elegance through simplicity! Only use markdown!”

      Yeah, I get it, orgmode is a really good idea. No need to re-invent it half a dozen more times to celebrate it’s 20th birthday…

      • cyd
        31 year ago

        And one of these days, someone will rediscover the magic of having a uniform editing environment for manipulating text in multiple different contexts.

    • @Arnaldur
      11 year ago

      I’ve been hoping that some good replacement comes along but they are all lacking significantly. Emacs is the best I’ve found but it’s annoying in many ways that have been fixed by newer alternatives.

      Large files, terrible defaults, and elisp come to mind.