Come join us to talk about the new Bethesda game Starfield. There has been some angry people who set really high expectations for the game and now are mad the game didn’t meet their fake expectations.

Reddit ex-pats may recognize the format from subreddits like LowSodiumCyberpunk or NoMansHigh

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  • 520
    310 months ago

    … who’s even saying that? It’s not like No Man’s Sky where that stuff actually was promised.

    • @Lmaydev
      510 months ago

      I think that’s exactly OPs point. There are people around who are complaining it doesn’t have features that were never mentioned or promised.

      • 520
        310 months ago

        that’s madness. I can get the performance complaints and anger at Bethesda’s attitudes to them, but in terms of features, this isn’t NMS, despite the very similar premise.

        • @Lmaydev
          210 months ago

          I think people spend years following the development and hear every rumour and build it up way to much in their heads.

          I haven’t got around to playing yet and I’ve avoided as much news as possible.

          From what people are saying it sounds like Skyrim in space which is all good to me.

          • Xathonn
            310 months ago

            It’s definitely been feeling like skyrim in space to me and I love it.