In a report published on Thursday, three U.N.-appointed experts said they had found practices in U.S. prisons that amounted to “an affront to human dignity” in visits in April and May.

The U.S. diplomatic mission in Geneva declined to comment. The Federal Bureau of Prisons said it was committed to ensuring the safety and security of incarcerated individuals as well as employees and the public.

One such practice is restraining and shackling women prisoners during childbirth, the report said.

The experts “heard, first hand, unbearable direct testimonies of pregnant women shackled during labour, who due to the chaining, lost their babies”, it said. Asked to give details, a U.N. rights spokesperson referred to “several” cases and confirmed they all involved Black women.

  • theodewere
    1 year ago

    you’re a child, just like all Americans… you want an excuse for your lack of dignity… your absolute inability to even conceive of it…

    • ayaya
      111 year ago

      It takes a special lack of awareness to make these kinds of sweeping prejudiced statements against a group of people on a post about racism.

      • theodewere
        -111 year ago

        your attempts to avoid the reality and excuse yourself are predictable, and limited to the realm of social media… you are social media beings… dignity is something you must aspire to, and then express… you can’t demand it out of fairness…

        • @Zink
          31 year ago

          I’m not commenting to support your approach to this, but your comment about dignity hit home for me. I’m an American who recently traveled to Scandinavia for the first time. There is something wholly different about the feel of the culture over there, even in mundane everyday details. I was seeing levels of dignity and respect (for self as well as others) that I am NOT used to here.

          Over here I’m used to pride, competition, and indifference to the plight of others.

          Over there I observed dignity, cooperation, and well, dignity.

      • theodewere
        -151 year ago

        it’s not possible to be xenophobic about Americans, they have no character… if you dislike Americans, it’s because you dislike blandness, not that you’re afraid of something you don’t understand…

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          That’s kinda like saying you can’t be racist against white people. You’re disparaging over 330 million people based on your hateful prejudices.

          • theodewere
            1 year ago

            see, you dodge the actual point, by claiming you’re being oppressed in some way… you’re all the same brand of coward…

            i say you are incapable of dignity, and you respond with whining… who is winning the argument…

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              You really need to work on that reading comprehension, buddy. It’s not whining to call someone a hateful bigot. Because, you are a hateful bigot.

              • @[email protected]
                -21 year ago

                He… does have a point. I haven’t really seen anyone attack his premises, only the way he’s presented them. Our shanty towns grow larger and more numerous by the day it seems, along with injustices like that mentioned in the article. There are 330 million of us and we’re kinda letting this happen.

                That said… psh. We could still kick his ass?

                • @[email protected]
                  21 year ago

                  He’s not, though. He’s asserting that the actions of our government reflect the will of the people, and that hasn’t been true for a very long time.

                  America has a stupid amount of different cultures that influence the country, so saying we have no culture and don’t value human life is inaccurate.

                  • @[email protected]
                    11 year ago

                    So, the core of his argument is clearly just a troll’s attempt to get a rise out of everyone and I don’t really want to engage any further with it because I have places to be today.

                    But what’s been bothering me lately is that many of us, myself included, are acting like these are things that are happening to us, as if we have no agency in the matter. Perhaps, at this point, we don’t. If the government isn’t addressing our wishes, why aren’t we fielding and voting for candidates that will?

                • theodewere
                  -11 year ago

                  i’ll have an order of tentative acknowledgement, with an ice cold glass of complaining about the tone of honesty, and a slice of bravado for dessert

              • theodewere
                -31 year ago

                you try to shield yourself from all truth with claims of oppression or unfairness… it’s cowardly…

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  No, I’m just attempting to point out that you’re being a bigoted asshole. It’s no different than saying all Italians are spaghetti eating mobsters.

                  You’re trying to disparage an entire population based on a rather bizarre and totally inaccurate preconceived notion.

                  • theodewere
                    -21 year ago

                    bizarre and totally inaccurate preconceived notion.

                    you wish

    • flicker
      61 year ago

      Does your paintbrush extend to the incarcerated black Americans who are victims of the policies observed by the UN, or do you mean a specific subset of Americans when you say these things?

      • theodewere
        -71 year ago

        yeah well, ask those guys how American they feel, and then come back at me

        • flicker
          11 year ago

          I can’t ask all of them, so I asked one, and he said that he’s no less American because he’s in jail.

          So back to my question?