• @Decompose
    -39 months ago

    Most companies can raise prices lockstep with costs without going whoopsie daisy, we raised it too much.

    I mean, I’m done making examples from real life and you making up bullshit. I guess Ray Dalio fixing the price for chicken nuggets is a bullshit story… I mean, McDonalds could’ve just increased the price in “lockstep” with the change in chicken nuggets prices, right? This is the stupidity of oversimplified world view that I keep seeing around here. You forget socioeconomic factors and how people respond to price changes. It’s unbelievable how you paint this naive world where it’s possible to have everything dynamic and predictable.

    And I like that “most” word you used. I guess you either are conceding or just playing with words to give yourself some leeway after fucking up, since I never used a blanket statement and I only need a counterexample to be right. You see, you’re assuming that everything is contracted, but doesn’t that depend on the contract’s terms? Even if you use a futures contract there’s a risk associated with it and arbitrage will fuck you up if you make a bad bet and management will screw over whoever made that suggestion. In your little head “everything is fixed”, because it doesn’t play well with your dumb agenda of the simple cartoon world that pertains to whatever dumb communism is running in your head, like I always see on Lemmy.

    Give yourself a break before your head pops.