Sometimes a visual is nice just to help hammer home just how bad things have gotten in parts of the United States. We’ve got a lot of fighting left to do for trans rights.

  • BurnTheRight
    321 year ago

    I don’t blame culture wars. I blame conservatism. Conservatism is a plague of oppression, sickness and death. It always has been.

    It should be socially acceptable to call out fascism in public. Smiling politely and turning the other cheek is how we ended up with this infestation of conservative hatred.

    • ArtZuron
      161 year ago

      Culture wars are a direct result of conservatism, so it makes sense to target the tap root, not the leaves.

      • Rednovs
        21 year ago

        Hmm I feel if you replaced conservatism with liberalism you have the same argument but from the right point of view.

        Culture war just sounds like the war on drugs or the war on terror to me. Probably be how we waste the next 10 years with nothing to show for it except maybe being closer to extinction.

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          That may be, but unfortunately things like nuance are never considered when conservative ideology is involved… Unless it affects them personally.

          • bsdGuy0
            11 year ago

            Nuance is very important. When one speaks, sometimes they ignore the nuance of the other side. Therefore, they never get to truly know the other side, and true harmony can never be achieved. Sometimes, those who claim or imply to be nuanced, are the very ones who are the least nuanced. If one side is pushed into a corner, they will fight back, hard.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Two explanations for that.

          The first is G O Projection. Accuse your enemy of what you yourself are doing, and then you can “both sides” it.

          The second is that the things they point at aren’t at are either social and not legislative (cancel culture, wokeness, etc), legislative protections rather than acts of aggression (protected groups), or incidentally involve culture (guns).

          But honestly, it’s primarily projection and then attempts to justify it.