A devlog on switching from Unity to Godot and then to Bevy.

  • insomniac_lemon
    9 months ago

    Every game engine that I have used (Godot, Unreal, Unity) has a bloated or buggy editor. It’s inevitable

    From a user perspective, bloated generally means it’s sluggish to open and/or run. Never tried Unity, but I tried Unreal a while ago and on my old machine it was almost a minute (on an SSD I bought specifically to try Unreal!) to open up the project launcher and then even more time to open up a basic project. Godot by comparison is instant. Similarly it was a 100GB+ compile whereas Godot is significantly lighter even with 4.X.

    They complain about closed source but then when they hit the issue in Godot it doesn’t seem like they utilize the open source nature

    I mean yeah… though open source can sometimes mean looking at the code or even the ability to test/give feedback on PRs. If someone doesn’t know C++ and can’t fix every issue I wouldn’t say it’s a failure.

    For 3.X vs 4.X you’re absolutely right, but I see it as more of a guarantee for existing 3.X projects or even existing users. If someone’s starting completely fresh I don’t really blame them for wanting to start with the current/future workflow. And FWIW the showstopper they encountered seems to be specific to C#, thus one reason why I mentioned the bindings (especially as they switched languages anyway).

    For most people I think the features will outweigh the downsides, especially being good enough that one can hold out for workflow/release improvements. Though even 4.2/4.3 might not be perfect, especially with a faster release schedule. Some people might want to stick to 3.X even then, but I think it depends on the user.

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      Yeah, it’s either bloated or buggy. Godot’s editor isn’t bloated but I’ve had a lot of issues with some basic QoL features. Drag and Drop, copying nodes from different projects, etc. Overall Godot’s editor is fast but broken or missing things. Unreal itself takes a moment to start but once you are in it, it speeds you up a ton. They have tons of QoL features, with stability, and it takes me under 45 seconds to open it on a large project. Godot is under 5 seconds. Compiling Godot takes a surprisingly long time for what it is. Unreal takes longer to compile but there is far more of it. I suspect one reason is that a lot more people compile Unreal than Godot and Epic has put tons of effort into their C++ environment. Godot on the other hand has put a lot of time into their gdscript instead.

      I mean yeah… though open source can sometimes mean looking at the code or even the ability to test/give feedback on PRs. If someone doesn’t know C++ and can’t fix every issue I wouldn’t say it’s a failure.

      I would say the open-source-ness of the code starts to matter less. The only way it does matter is that they could, if they had the resources, pay someone to fix it for them. I wouldn’t use a game engine that didn’t provide the source code to me but I also wouldn’t hesitate to jump in and mess stuff up. If they know C# they probably could at least figure enough out to do some changes.

      For most people I think the features will outweigh the downsides, especially being good enough that one can hold out for workflow/release improvements. Though even 4.2/4.3 might not be perfect, especially with a faster release schedule. Some people might want to stick to 3.X even then, but I think it depends on the user.

      Absolutely but I just don’t get them switching without even trying anything to solve their problem in Godot. They could have switched to 3.5 or like you said, switched bindings, or anything else. It feels like they jumped into Godot, started porting their game, hit an issue, and bailed to Bevy.

      That said I think they’ll find Bevy to slow them down in the long run. Bevy is great and will likely be a contender to make games someday. Just not today. Most of the games industry doesn’t even see Godot as production-ready, much less know of Bevy. I half-agree them. Godot isn’t an engine I would stake a multi-employee studio on. Bevy far less so.