Does anyone have any recommendations for durable gaming controllers? I’ve had multiple Xbox and pdp controllers, but all of them have stopped working correctly after a year or two. It’s ridiculous. I have one no name controller that’s really old and still works but unfortunately I don’t know what brand it it.

  • @Redkey
    111 months ago

    I came to say basically the same thing. I have one Logitech F310 from new (about 10 years old), one Logicool F310 (Japanese name for Logitech because of a pre-existing local trademark) from new (about 7 years old), and three Logicool F310s bought secondhand at different times, and they all still work great.

    I bought the first one for myself, the next couple for local multiplayer, and then the last couple as backups because I like them so much and they work with everything, but I’ve never had to replace one, so I mostly just grab whichever is nearest when I want a controller.

    I also have two Logicool F710 controllers which are very similar, but wireless and with rumble. They seem just as well-built as the F310s, but it’s always a hassle to get the things connected at all, and even then loads of games simply don’t recognize them for some reason.