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I average out the spring and fall changes and just set my clocks 39 minutes ahead year-round.

  • Seraph
    11 months ago

    The vast majority of people want it to change, but we can’t get organized enough to politically make it happen.

    You can change the word “it” above to apply to a LOT of things.

      • @[email protected]
        711 months ago

        I heard somewhere (shit source I know, but I’m at work so not looking it up) that one of the main proponents of daylight savings is golf courses (and restaurants). They get more tee times in with more daylight. And since everyone that rules the world golfs for some damn reason, I don’t see it changing soon.

      • b14700
        311 months ago

        it was never worth the hassle because its not for your benefit its for the benefit of your boss , you waking up earlier in winter gives your boss one extra hour of work from you in daylight

          • @[email protected]
            911 months ago

            I’m not a farmer, but farmers don’t really care for daylight savings time. Cows don’t understand it, and won’t wait an extra hour to be milked. It takes them time to adjust to the change, and in meantime either the farmer has to get there an hour earlier by the clock or the cows will be in pain, possibly sustaining real injury from being overly full of milk.

            An extra hour of dark in the morning isn’t useful for planting or weeding or harvesting, either.

            • credit crazy
              311 months ago

              “The cows don’t understand it” honestly that’s the point that makes it hard to believe daylight savings is for farmers the cows horses the crops and the chickens all don’t operate on daylight savings time if anything daylight savings time probably hurts farmers by giving them a nother thing to keep track of that makes it so you need to get adjusted real quick otherwise the cows are going to get over full of milk because the farmer watching the clock forgot its a hour behind what he got used to wouldn’t be surprised if some farmers in the past had two separate clocks one that got adjusted to daylight savings and the other shows the time the farm operated on

            • flicker
              111 months ago

              When I asked that question once I was informed it had something to do for some reason with when the children of farmers would be let out of school (and thus able to help with chores) but honestly it sounds like bullshit to me.