I’m in the US.

I haven’t discerned a pattern, by the media, in the titling of the horror currently underway.

I’ve seen Al Jazeera use both phrasings. I haven’t determined that other media sites are hardlining their terminology either, but I notice the difference as I browse.

Maybe it doesn’t mean anything, but these days people seem extra sensitive about names.

  • @[email protected]
    311 months ago

    Whoever thinks Israel purposefully targets civilians ignores how Hamas operates. It has been documented for years by the UN and human rights organizations that they use civilians as shields.

    Getting Palestinian civilians dead is part of their strategy.

    • @[email protected]
      1311 months ago

      That’s also entirely unfair to the long standing apartheid state Israel has run against Palestinians. Push anyone long enough and they push back.

      Kids throw rocks? Fuckin execute them, according to the IDF.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        I’m not defending Israel settlements in the West Bank.

        But that’s largely independent from Hamas actions or intentions. Hamas was founded before the first intifada, and it existed at relatively peaceful times when the talks about a two state solution were meant serious on the Israeli side. Their intentions then were not different from today’s.

        Hamas never wanted peace, and they never wanted to peacefully coexist.

        (*) edit: wait did you say me pointing out how Hamas uses civilians as shields is unfair against the Hamas??

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          I had a problem with your opener:

          whoever thinks Israel purposefully targets civilians…

          They have for a while, and currently they are. And it’s well known and historically proven that behavior like that results in backlash eventually. And then nothing good happens.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            they currently are

            You didn’t read the follow up after my opening that you had problems with.

            Or you are ignoring how Hamas operates.

            The claim that Hamas reacts to anything that Israel does in the West Bank is a myth.