More than 100 handguns were stolen from a store in southwestern Michigan after the manager was held at gunpoint outside his home and forced to reveal how to turn off the alarm, authorities said Tuesday.

All guns except one were recovered and two men were arrested Friday, a day after the brazen heist at Dunham’s Sports, U.S. Attorney Mark Totten said.

“Just look at the firepower on this table,” Jim Deir, head of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Michigan, told reporters.

“There’s over $100,000 worth of guns here. … My experience: These were headed to the streets. These were headed for quick sale, quick money,” Deir said.

  • @MagicShel
    187 months ago

    If only the store manager had a gun! Or… is he not a good guy? Maybe the manager is the real bad guy for not pulling out a bigger gun and blowing them away?

    • Square Singer
      147 months ago

      It proves once again: A sane person with a gun has no chance against a crazy person with a gun.

      Normal people have inhibition in regards of killing people. If you are facing someone without this inhibition, you lose.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        That, and if you are one person with one gun you probably lose against two (or three, or whatever) people with guns, unless you are also John Wick.