YouTube disallowing adblockers, Reddit charging for API usage, Twitter blocking non-registered users. These events happen almost at the same time. Is this one of the effects of the tech bubble burst?

  • hoshikarakitaridia
    211 year ago

    There are a lot of reasons for this general trend, but let me add my two cents to make a case for the sudden influx of user-opposed changes:

    I don’t have a source for this, but I remember that Linus spoke about this on the LTT WAN-Show. Basically, abunch of big silicon valley investors are pulling out of all of the big platforms, therefore leaving them with a huge hole in their profitability. This means, that right now a lot of them are scrambling to scrape together more money over time, so all of those platforms are sustainable.

    Obviously this has to observed in conjunction with all of those are trends that are already mentioned by other comments, but this gives more basis as to why now, and why to this extent.

    If someone else knows what I’m talking about please add quotes and sources because I don’t like the good old ‘dude trust me’ guarantee one bit.