Discord has expanded its Hateful Conduct Policy to explicitly include prohibitions against misgendering and deadnaming in a policy update. Accompanying this policy update, Discord has also implemented a comprehensive warning system to enforce these guidelines effectively.

  • @[email protected]OPM
    2710 months ago

    Yeah, I understand your scepticism. At least, they have a system in place for enforcement now. If they have the moderators to actually use it is a different question…

    • LinkOpensChest.wav
      3310 months ago

      I was a moderator of a gaming server with 2k people. I quit modding and left the server over this.

      I’ve not once seen Discord enforce their policies. In fact, I can still look back in my DM history and see active users who have made clear and explicit threats with a side of slurs to black and LGBT+ people. No action whatsoever on their part, even though I did my diligence by reporting them.

      • Franzia
        310 months ago

        Yo those messages might also be crimes btw 😊