I don’t know what’s going on with the pedophiles, but I hope the same reform.

Is this Pope good?

  • haui
    37 months ago

    I wonder if anyone on the planet has enough brains to get that loyalty actually is something bad… everywhere you go it is praised like the literal best thing in the world but actually if we all were completely disloyal and only subscribed to our values, we might actually get somewhere.

    • lad
      37 months ago

      I would argue that zero loyalty may be as bad as full loyalty. Also that things are maybe more complicated than subscribing fully to own or other’s values.

      • haui
        17 months ago

        Ok, sure. Do you care to give an example? I‘d like to get your perspective.

        • lad
          27 months ago

          My perspective is that when everyone is only loyal to their own interests this becomes an extremely divided and trustless environment. Whether it’s social or workplace this is quite toxic to my views

          • haui
            17 months ago

            I agree. That is why I said values, not interests.

            Interests are something that excites your curiosity or attention. Interests are different from values in that values are your personal principles. Interests get you excited about something and inspire you to take action. You will use your values to guide you as you pursue your interests.

            Gave it a quick google to not have to formulate it.

    • @[email protected]
      -27 months ago

      In that case you are just rigid and loyal to some moral values, fundamentally created by people. It is not that easy, and loyalty itself is not a bad thing. How these values and tools are used morally can determine bad person.