It was not immediately clear why the sedan smashed into an SUV that was part of the motorcade. The driver was surrounded by agents who had their guns drawn.

A sedan smacked into a Secret Service vehicle that was part of President Joe Biden’s motorcade in Delaware on Sunday night.

Following the crash, U.S. Secret Service agents whisked Biden into a vehicle.

Agents quickly surrounded the sedan with guns drawn and aimed at its driver, who had his hands up. The cause of the crash was not immediately clear.

Special Agent Steve Kopek, a Secret Service spokesperson, said the vehicle that struck was securing Biden’s motorcade route.

  • @pythonoob
    26 months ago

    It’s a play on how late can mean dead.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      That’s fair, thank you for explaining it, but I’ve never once heard late as in departed used in the form “late, later, latest”

      • @pythonoob
        26 months ago

        It’s not really ever used like that.