• @[email protected]
      116 months ago

      The SSD price hike prediction is really fucking infuriating. Doesn’t seem like we’re aiming to replace HDDs ever at this pace.

      • @[email protected]
        96 months ago

        Density keeps going up on magnetic platters while prices keep dropping on a $:TB comparison. I see no reason to wish for HDD to ever go away so long as they are cheaper and better for mass storage.

        • KptnAutismus
          26 months ago

          sadly, they’re s l o w . i want to upgrade to M.2s, but HDDs make SSDs look insanely expensive.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            Yeah, but that depends on the use cases. I have a home video and picture library on my NAS. I’d much rather have more storage on an HDD rather than SSD. For the same price, and with RAID 5, I get to store more. I don’t need the SSD speeds to load old pictures and videos.

            Now for a boot OS drive, where ky games are, pr my CM images? SSD all the way.

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        I just got a new work PC and they finally have PC’s with a SSD . My old PC was so infuriating to use . Would have to turn it on 30 minutes before my shift to be able to login on time .