• @[email protected]
    -49 months ago

    Sounds like the education system should be improved to inform people of just how expensive and time consuming it is to procreate. All the time you see people do it who definitely do not have the means, and then being forced to steal and/or just suffer for years

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      Humans are animals. All of us. Our genetics drive us to procreate. That is our base nature. Now, you can easily argue that our Big Brains have the capacity to reason, understand, and logic our way to a path that avoids self destructive behavior. That is true. Yet here we still deal with things like drug abuse, war, violent crime, and yes…unwanted pregnancy.

      You aren’t going to stop people from banging and having kids. It’s written into our genes. What you can do is make a society where those numbers can be reduced as much as possible with education (you got that part right, but that access should be from primary to higher education), cheap/free contraception, abortion access (dare I say “free” medical care?), and basic food/child care that is accessible to all. So that poor person’s kid has a shot at not following the same path.

      Wagging your finger in sex ed saying “no, no…don’t fuck, it’s expensive to have a kid” really isn’t going to fix much.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      All for improving that education system!

      But we’re also already in a situation where infertility is on the rise and people with means are culturally enticed to worship their careers so much they just skip procreation altogether.

      Stable relationships in which to foster healthy children are also becoming rarer across the board.

      So now all the powers-that-be that encouraged this Grand Canyon-sized, gilded-age class gap in the first place, and said “Well if you’re poor you’re obviously unfit to survive so don’t make more of you lol”, and also decided “retirement age” shouldn’t be a thing, are currently losing their minds as they read reports about our population falling “dramatically below replacement levels.” :D

      “NoBoDy’S LeFt To WoRk AnYmOrE :(” lol

    • Flying Squid
      09 months ago

      Maybe we shouldn’t blame poor women for stealing to feed their babies and should blame the government that allows it to happen?

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        Yeah, the government should just sterilize poor women so they don’t get a baby to steal baby food for instead. That fixes the problem right?
