I left /c/Risa because the moderator there was letting his own personal feelings color rules, removing posts that violated no clearly written rules, and creating new rules without even running it past the community or asking how they feel about it.

The moderator of this community is guilty of that same behavior.

I’ll be over on [email protected].

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      One of my kids tried for a while to get out of chores by delay tactics. I would ask her to do something and she would repeat it back and ask me to confirm. I would say yes and then she would do it again. Clever trick I admit. Eventually it stopped working

      Me: pick up your socks and put them away please

      Her: wait you want me to pick up my socks?

      Me: yes

      Her: and then put them away?

      Me: yes

      Her: so you are asking me to pick up my socks and put them away?

      Me: yes the man who brought you from the void of non-existence and paid for every meal you have ever ate and the home you live in is asking you to please pick up the socks he bought you and put them away!

      I only get the witty spontaneous one-liners about once a decade so that felt pretty good.

    • 🔍🦘🛎
      48 months ago

      And “petri dish of frustration” is actually a really colorful metaphor