A woman in Florida says her 55-year-old “medically fragile” father was falsely accused of theft at a Florida grocery store last week and then seriously injured in a violent encounter with police. Now, she says, he is hospitalized and has lost the ability to speak.

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
    8 months ago

    She said she feared for her father’s safety, so she got a bat from her car, approached the woman and told her to “pick on someone her own size, someone able-bodied.” She said she did not threaten the woman with the bat. Still, she said, the woman called police.

    the woman who called 911 told police that “after an incident with Joseph inside the store,” she encountered Anjelica Lee waiting outside with a metal bat in her hand. The woman told police that Anjelica Lee, while holding the bat, had told her to “clock out cause I’m gonna whoop your ass,” according to the affidavit. Anjelica Lee said she remembers telling the woman to meet her outside but not saying that.

    Afterward, the affidavit says, Anjelica Lee put the bat back into her car, went inside the store and knocked items off the shelves. She denies having done so. The woman told police she “was placed in a well-founded fear that” Anjelica Lee was going to cause her harm while she was holding the bat outside the store, according to the affidavit.

    Seems the father’s problems had less to do with the banana and more to do with his piece of shit daughter.

    • EdibleFriend@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      And what part of that justifies beating the father? The daughter was a bitch(possibly) so you say its ok that the police put the father in the hospital?

      Is that just how its supposed to work in your eyes? if your child acts up the police get to beat you into a fucking coma?

      • Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
        8 months ago

        What beating?

        I ctrl-f’d the page for the word “beat” and found nothing. The only claims I see from the daughter or the father (I’m ignoring police claims) of any physical contact with the father are that he was pushed against a car by “nine or 10” of the 8 responding officers who were also arresting her, and then pushed to the ground.

        In the hospital photo provided by the family, I see no bruises, abrasions, or other injuries consistent with a “beating”.

        He interfered with the officers attempting to arrest his daughter, who had just threatened people with a baseball bat; a deadly weapon. Both pushing against a car and pushing to the ground are reasonable uses of force in detaining an uncooperative subject.

        It seems the daughter went bat shit crazy in the store, threatened employees, police responded in force, and dad got between them and the violent criminal they were there to arrest. He was quickly arrested by some of the cops while the others arrested the daughter.

        What do you think they should have done differently, once the daughter had began threatening people with a deadly weapon?

        • EdibleFriend@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Anjelica Lee said her father, who already had a pacemaker, sustained an acute kidney injury in the encounter and is undergoing dialysis. She also said he can barely talk and is disoriented and confused. “He’s waking up panicked,” she said. “He doesn’t know where he’s at. He can no longer feed himself. We have to do that for him. They’re saying that some of the injuries could be long-term.”

          Read instead of ctrl-fing for an exact word i used in an attempt to be a pedantic bootlicker. He’s in the hospital, one of his kidneys is fucked up. But your right. they just pushed him around a little. and, again, he absolutely fucking deserved to have one of his kidneys trashed because he didn’t raise his daughter right.

          Thank you. You have enlightened me on how the world works.

          • Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
            8 months ago

            I cited all claims of physical contact with the father: a highly exaggerated claim of being pushed against a car, and a claim of being pushed to the ground. Both claims were made by the daughter. I excluded all claims made by police.

            The daughter’s own claims suggest he was interfering with her arrest, telling her to ignore their instructions. The physical force she claims was used against him is consistent and reasonable for a non-compliant subject.

            Based entirely on her biased and exaggerated claims, I’m not seeing how their force was excessive or improper.

            Perhaps video evidence will arise showing something she didn’t see. She’d better hope they do, because her own statements have pretty much ensured police and the city will prevail if she tries to sue.

            • EdibleFriend@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              So they lied about his kidney injury? Him being in the hospital altogether is a lie? You say this is appropriate but, you yourself, say at the worst he tried to get them to stop arresting her. Your main claim as to why he deserved what happened to him is what his daughter did. Thats your go to.

              • Rivalarrival@lemmy.today
                8 months ago

                Lied? No. Misrepresented? Likely.

                She acknowledged he was in poor health to begin with. She described chronic conditions, as well as acute symptoms occurring immediately prior to the altercation. They stopped at the store because his arms and legs were cramping up “due to an infection,” and he thought potassium would help.

                Infection can cause acute renal failure. One of the early symptoms of acute renal failure is general cramping due to electrolyte imbalances. I think that it rather likely the kidneys were “injured” prior to the altercation and not during it.

    • DragonTypeWyvern@literature.cafe
      8 months ago


      Gotta admit, “the pigs HAD to beat him, someone said his daughter was violent before they got there” is a new one.