Although Germany does not consider Palestine a country, a majority of the world’s states — 139 out of a total of 193 — at the United Nations do. What’s significant this time, though, is that recognition is apparently being reconsidered by the US, a country that has previously vetoed almost every attempt to make Palestine a country.

The UK also seems to be thinking about it even though in the past, the country has been just as opposed to the move as the US.

  • @pan_troglodytes
    98 months ago

    hmm… no. UN security council would never permit it.

      • @pan_troglodytes
        48 months ago

        oh I dont know about that, the UN has done a fairly passable job - it’s been far more effective then the League of Nations that preceded it.

        • Flying Squid
          57 months ago

          I’m not a huge fan of the UN, but I’m also convinced we would have had a nuclear war by now if it didn’t exist to allow communication and mediation between the world’s governments.

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            I like em because aside from the votes doing nothing functional it shows where countries allegiances truly lie.

            Many Western countries got exposed for being controlled by the Zionist lobby when they didn’t vote for the ceasefire.