Hi all,

I currently have a Linux install from an old 256GB SATA SSD that I inherited. It was originally used as a swap drive in another person’s RAID server for about 7 years, then it was given to me, where I put my own Linux install that I have been running for about 5 years.

About a year ago, I acquired a new computer that has an NVMe SSD. It originally ran windows, but I dropped in my SSD with my Linux install, installed grub on the NVMe SSD, and booted to the old SSD.

I am mildly concerned about with this SSD being so old, it could crap out on me eventually. I remember that being a topic of discussion when SSDs first hit the market (i.e. when the one that I am using was made). So I was thinking of wiping the 1TB NVMe SSD that is currently unused in this computer and migrating my install to it. Now, I know I could copy my whole disk with dd, then expand the partition to make use of the space. But I was wondering if I could change the filesystem to something that had snapshots (such as btrfs).

Is it possible to do this, or to change filesystems do I need to create a new Linux install and copy all the files over that I want to keep?

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Most of the time, it’s enough to copy the whole EFI partition to the new machine and update whatever boot entries are in there to point to the right new partitions.

      In case of a switch to something like zfs, it’s a bit more involved and you need to boot a live Linux, chroot into the new “/” with /boot mounted and /dev, /proc, /sys bind mounted into the chroot.

      Then you can run the distro-appropriate command to reinstall/ update grub into the EFI partition and they will usually take care of adding the right drivers.