Hi all!


I will be starting a secondary slot/sessions for the Reading Club, also on “The Book” (“The Rust Programming Language”). We will, also, very likely use the Brown University online edition (that has some added quizzes & interactive elements).


This slot is primarily to offer an alternative to the main reading club’s streams that caters to a different set of time zone preferences and/or availability.

When ?

Currently, I intend to start at 18:00 UTC+1 (aka 6pm Central European Time). Effectively, this is 6 hours “earlier in the day” than when the main sessions start, as of writing this post.

The first stream will happen on the coming Monday (2023-03-04).

Please comment if you are interested in joining because you can’t make the main sessions but would prefer a different start time (and include a time that works best for you in your comment!). Caveat: I live in central/western Europe; I can’t myself cater to absolutely any preference.

How ?

We will start from the beginning of “The Book”.

There are 2 options:

  1. mirror the main sessions’ pace (once every week), remaining ~4 sessions “behind” them in terms of progression through “The Book”
  2. attempt to catch up to the main sessions’ progression

I am personally interested in trying out 2 sessions each week, until we are caught up. This should effectively result in 2-3 weeks of biweekly sessions before we slow back down. I’m not doing this just for me, however, so if most people joining these sessions prefer the first option I’m happy to oblige.

I will be hosting the session from my own twitch channel, https://www.twitch.tv/jayjader . I’ll be recording the session as well;this post should be edited to contain the url for the recording, once I have uploaded it here’s a youtube link to the recording of the session: https://youtu.be/gQDO_UtXKBg

Who ?

You! (if you’re interested). And, of course, me.

  • @[email protected]OPM
    7 months ago

    I think trying to catch up would be a mistake unless the people who join are already at pace with the original schedule.

    Could you elaborate on how it would be a mistake? I was thinking there might be people who missed the “start” of the main streams and would prefer to catch up with others instead of only through the recordings.

    With regards to pacing & the term “catching up”, I’m much more relying on the idea that 1 stream/week vs 2 streams/week will mechanically even out on its own, without needing to push the pace during the streams themselves with that “catching up” mentality.

    Of course, if it’s already difficult enough for people to find time for 1 stream each week, then trying to catch up by doing several per week just doesn’t work out.

    • @ericjmorey
      37 months ago

      Your last statement is what I anticipate.