Lately, I was going through the blog of a math professor I took at a community college back when I was in high school. Having gone the path I did in life, I took a look at what his credentials were, and found that he completed a computer science degree back sometime in the 1970s. He had a curmudgeonly and standoffish personality, and his IT skills were nonexistent back when I took him.

It’s fascinating to see the perspectives on computing and how many of the things I learned in my undergraduate were still being taught way back to the 1950s. It also seems like the computer science degree was more intertwined with its electrical engineering fraternal twin.

Although the title of this post is inherently provocative, I’m curious to hear from those of you who did computer science, electrical engineering, or similar technical degrees in decades past. Are there topics or subjects that have phased out over the years that you think leave younger programmers/engineers ill-equipped in the modern day? What common practices were you happy to see thrown in the dumpster and kicked away forever?

The community also seems like it was significantly smaller back then and more interconnected. Was nepotism as prevalent in the technology industry then as it is today?

This is just the start of a discussion, please feel free to share your thoughts!

  • @[email protected]
    57 months ago

    Being a self taught programmer (6502 assembly on a vic-20) All my first few jobs were basically here are the manual you’re the new (banyan vines,netware,sunos,oracle, sql server etc) expert.

    My son got a infosys degree and all his jobs required additional certs. Helpng him navigate that was mind numbing

    What i will say. Develop your network full stop. I got every single good fit job by references. All my shit jobs were headhunters or cold applications.

    As far as tech goes. Everything is so nuanced and dependant today i feel it make everything overly complicated and harder to baseline and run. Let alone debugging.

    I am sooo glad i just retired (early) and dont have the need to delve into current tech for anything now besides hobby stuff.