The state Republican party is undaunted by electoral defeats for those claiming voting is rigged – and election officials are bearing the brunt of their fury
All changed with Donald Trump’s unprecedented refusal to accept defeat in the 2020 election. His conspiracy to subvert the election has had an explosive impact in Arizona, a battleground state which has become arguably the ground zero of election denial in America.
In 2020, the Republican-controlled state legislature sponsored a widely discredited “audit” of votes in Maricopa county, the largest constituency containing Phoenix. Republican leaders put themselves forward as fake electors in a possibly criminal attempt to flip Joe Biden’s victory in Arizona to Trump’s.
Two years later, in the midterms, armed vigilantes dressed in tactical gear stalked drop boxes in a vain hunt for “mules” stuffing fraudulent ballots into them. Amid the furore, election officials found themselves assailed by online harassment and death threats.
No longer faceless bureaucrats, they had become public enemy No 1.
I don’t see the issue. If the Republican party dies conservatives will just flock to a new party. It doesn’t happen very often in the US but such things have happened.
Republicans were too accepting of extremists in order to win short term gains. Now they’re paying the price as moderates leave the party, making it even more extreme and unredeemable.
They embraced an authoritarian and just like every authoritarian he won’t stand for criticism. Anyone that doesn’t support the authoritarian is out.
If conservatives really want to have a political future they need to abandon the Republican party and make something new. Something that isn’t extremist. The problem with making that happen is they’re coming to find out that even their most fundamental beliefs–the things that make them conservatives–are what everyone else thinks of as extreme.