Shell on Tuesday told a Dutch court a 2021 order that it should drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions lacks a legal basis and risks obstructing the fight against climate change.

In a landmark ruling that shocked the energy sector, a lower Dutch court in 2021 ordered Shell to reduce its planet warming carbon emissions by 45% by 2030 from 2019 levels.

The order related not only to Shell’s own emissions, but also to those caused by the buyers and users of its products.

Shell said that implementing the ruling would force it to shrink its business and would only lead customers to shift to other suppliers of fuel.

  • @[email protected]
    96 months ago

    Only shell knows that the Earth’s atmosphere has a built-in CO2 counter, and by rolling it over climate change can be resolved!

    • Flying Squid
      76 months ago

      I don’t know, that sounds like it might take a while. What if we just changed the Earth’s oil filter and consulted VW on how to get past an emissions check?