It had been in the works for a while, but now it has formally been adopted. From the article:

The regulation provides that by 2027 portable batteries incorporated into appliances should be removable and replaceable by the end-user, leaving sufficient time for operators to adapt the design of their products to this requirement.

  • @[email protected]
    -111 year ago

    Because I take my phone to a shop and spend $10 to have it replaced every 3 years currently. And that is infinitly worth a smaller more practical phone.

    You people really ought to rub at least 2 brain cells together before making the stupid I DON’T UNDERSTAND PROCLAMATIONS.

    You just sound dumb as fuck to anyone who has spent twenty seconds thinking it through.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Not everyone has affordable and convenient access to such services around them.
      Anyway, when did batteries become such advanced technology that they require specialized personnel to have them replaced? Do you want to bring your TV remote to them too?
      It’s ridiculous honestly, I replaced three modern phone batteries and every time I need to watch a disassembling video to be sure I don’t mess up something along the way, then I need a heat gun just to get into the phone, all that to simply replace a battery, risking to damage other components with the heat or when removing the things by force.

      By the way, is your service really that affordable or do you pay regularly for an insurance on top of that?

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Yeah that’s not true and you’re obviously lying. Unless you live in a country where the purchasing power of a dollar is about five or six times greater than everyone else.

      Batteries cost $20 as a retail item before you even factor in their labor.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Of fucking course I’m not including the battery. It an independent unrelated variable.

        The cost to have the battery replaced is $10-15 dollars. You are grasping at straws here my man.