Playing with deep reds and greys on Hyprland.

  • Victor
    45 months ago

    Stunning, actually. Love it.

    Would you mind sharing deez dots? I’m particularly interested in the bar setup once I transition from i3 to Hyprland.

    • jkmooneyOP
      25 months ago

      Well, here’s the Waybar config (some things are commented out as I’m endlessly tweaking it…)

      // Reminder: The last statement in a module block cannot
      // be commented out or waybar won’t launch.
      “include”: “~/.config/hypr/waybar/modules”,
      “layer”: “top”,
      //“mode”: “dock”,
      “exclusive”: true,
      “passthrough”: false,
      “position”: “top”,
      “spacing”: 3,
      “fixed-center”: true,
      “ipc”: true,
      “margin-left”: 0,
      “margin-right”: 0,

      “modules-left”: [

      “modules-center”: [

      “modules-right”: [