A good amount of people liked my C99 EBNF grammar. I was defining grammars for most of today because you can’t really blindly make a language, and you need a grammar to be there, even if the language exists and has dozens of implementations. As it happens, I have a couple of AWK-related projects, AWK2c and Squawk (people from Le Reddit may remember this one) so I defined AWK grammar as well.

Both Squawk and AWK2c have a considerable amount written. Squawk is in C and AWK2c is in OCaml. Tell me if you wish to see them, I don’t see a reason to remote them yet.


  • Oliver Lowe
    24 months ago

    Interesting, thanks for putting the time in! I love awk and its Unix roots.

    This question might not make any sense but I’m curious! What are some of your favourite languages based on their EBNF grammar alone?

    • ChubakPDP11+TakeWithGrainOfSaltOP
      14 months ago

      I think any ML-based lanuage takes the cake. Like SML, OCaml, etc. These languages are really fluid.

      I think Rust would look ‘good’ if there was an EBNF grammar for it but all there is are the psuedo-EBNF notations in the specs.

  • Oliver Lowe
    14 months ago

    Interesting, thanks for putting the time in! I love awk and its Unix roots.

    This question might not make any sense but I’m curious! What are some of your favourite languages based on their EBNF grammar alone?