From episode eight.


Yukine’s arc here is anime-original. Notably, this scene is more-or-less lifted from the Tomoyo After VN, making this the closest we can get to an adaptation of it (unless by some miracle we get an actual Tomoyo After anime, which I would really love to see)

  • @zero_spelled_with_an_ecks
    46 months ago

    I guess they’re not glowing, and there’s kicking when the opponent is down, but professional matches only last a few minutes, so this fight that lasts through a sunset after some very serious head trauma definitely needs the anime qualifier.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    If that is the most realistic anime fight scene ever then I want whatever drugs you are on.

    Choreography wise, it is not all that dissimilar from a lot of the “We are both low on energy” fights in Yu Yu Hakusho or any other shonen where they wanted to show off that some of the animators actually know martial arts. It is good choreography, but it is still explosions when people punch things and people largely no selling a street fight.