A recent study found that the rate of women 18 to 30 getting tubal ligations doubled in the 16 months following the Dobbs decision. The number of young men getting vasectomies also shot up, but men still get sterilized much less often than women.
On the flip side, I was up and working out three days after my bisalp. And my friend who got a vasectomy was bedridden for a week. I think they’re pretty comparable, it’s just a game of rock paper scissors whether you’ll have the easy or the hard recovery.
On the flip side, I was up and working out three days after my bisalp. And my friend who got a vasectomy was bedridden for a week. I think they’re pretty comparable, it’s just a game of rock paper scissors whether you’ll have the easy or the hard recovery.
They are usually not comparable. I walked home from my vasectomy and worked. I wasn’t bedridden at all and that seems to be the norm.