From the back of the book:
The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world.
Civilization crubmles in a matter of days as hundreds of millions of people die and rise as the walking dead. The hundreds of millions of people who fall to the zombies also rise to join the growing legions of undead. Then the world goes silent.
You are on your own. The army is MIA. There is no government. No television, radio, or internet. No media, cell phones or communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets.
Death Cults have risen, promising protection from the walking dead.
Retro-Savages have forsaken technology and sacrifice the living to the zombies in hopes of bringing an end to the nightmare.
Brave human survivors refuse to lie down and die! They struggle to forge safe havens away from the cities, rescue other survivors and battle the walking dead without respite.
And the risen dead? The zombies? For now at least, the planet is theirs. The dead reign.
Six Apocalyptic Character Classes including the Reaper, Shepherd of the damned, Hound Master, Apocalyptic SOldier, Scrounger and Ordinary People.
Seven types of zombies plus the Half-Living.
Secrets of the Dead: Everything you need to know about zombies and need to ask.
Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
Random tables galore.
Strong setting, world overview and many adventure ideas.
A complete role-playing game, 224 pages.
A Megaverse of endless possibilities, limited only by your imagination.
Your first step into a world where the Dead Reign.