Highlander was good when they didn’t elaborate on it. Everytime they tried building a deeper “lore” it went to trash. I don’t know if modern movies can resist that urge.
It was a great idea executed poorly when it was done originally, the reboot could be a good idea if they keep the right parts and drop the shit that didnt work.
Past tense. If they actually explored the idea more with good writing, it could be amazing!
But will Princes of the Universe still be the theme song?
Oh, it fuckin’ better be.
Thats the low hanging fruit that Hollywood misses all the time. A Christopher Lambert cameo, keep the theme song… its not hard to tick a few small nostalgia boxes when dipping into the Vault.
Clancy Brown was way more impactfull then Lambert.
The amount of Highlander quotes you still hear to this day are mostly those of The kurgan.
Connery and Brown carried that movie. Lambert just went along for the ride.
Remember our agreement, Murdoch. The boy… Is mine.
The way how Clancy just spits out these one liners, in that growling voice. It’s bloody fantastic. Cavill as mcloud is good and all, but it’s all about who they cast for the Kurgan and Ramirez. And that they don’t fuck the story up too much.
Hi. I’m candy. *Of course you are… *
It will be a cover by some pop or rap star and it will be cringe.
A slowed down, piano based and sadder vocals cover.
So… “Who Wants to Live Forever”?
But the singer needs to sound bored.
No, Princes of the Universe will get the slow whisper sung cover for the trailer.
Who Wants to Live Forever will get the dancy uptempo Demi Lovato cover in the end credits.
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The could do modern covers of the entire album.
Imagine Dragons could do Princes of The Universe some justice.
No words.
Come to think of it maybe 3 sentences:
Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.
I know we’re all tired of reboots but I think this one could be something good. I’m a fan of reboots of things that turned out kinda bad, or weren’t that bad but didn’t really live up to their interesting premise. With better effects and sword fight choreography, this could be a good movie. I just hope they don’t over explain things in the writing like a lot of movies are doing nowadays.
Or not having a Shcottisch Schpaniard?
He’s called the Spaniard but he’s even older than that, he’s really Egyptian
Scho, Egshipshins schpoke schottisch?
Henry Cavill would be a good Connor MacLeod, But he would be an awesome Kurgan.
Lets be real the first movie was good, the second movie was weird but ok the rest were utterly forgettable. I watched it not long ago and while I enjoyed it, it sure as shit wasnt a good movie by my now adult standards.
There arent many times Reboots make something better than the original but this one gives me hope. Henry doesnt seem to be the kind of guy to sign on to shit and the original had some great ideas but just went all 80’s coke party with them.
I’m quietly hopeful.
the second movie was weird but ok
I’m sorry. I mostly agree with your outlook and concerns, but I have never heard anyone heap such HIGH praise onto the second movie.
I also did really like the series, so maybe just a difference of opinion. I do think Cavill would be able to do Highlander some justice for the reboot.
Yeah. Like, how do you mention the movies and not the series. Gotta watch Highlander and Kung Fu. McGuyver can come too.
I love 1, hate 2, like 3.
I know 3 isn’t good, but it’s kind of just another version of the first. Storywise it’s really similar, and idk, just has some sort of 90s charm to it.
IMO 2 is so nuts it gets points for originality, 3 just felt redundant and derivative.
I just cant bring myself to reward mediocrity.
Because studio executives – just like the executive of most other companies out there – have realized that they don’t need to actually innovate or risk putting money into uncertain new projects, when they can just take something that’s already been done, try to pretty it up a little, and then sell it to people who’ll go see it based on name recognition.
Why take a risk with new IP, when the old IP that sort of worked is already there? Just give it a new coat of paint and sell more of it instead, fire some workers (I’m sorry, “rightsize” the company), buy another yacht. Problem solved.
IP Man 4 was old material but it was still a new IP.
Isn’t Cavill still busy acting and producing for the live-action Warhammer 40k series that’s supposed to come out soon?
That’s still very early stages, there’s no reason why he shouldn’t do a movie in the meantime.
Early stages? But I want it now!
Oh I didnt even hear anything about that. But if I trust anyone with that IP it would be Cavill.
Yeah he loves 40k. He has a banana boy army. Not really surprising given he played Superman and Gearlt. He likes playing as super human characters.
Can we just keep rebooting everything until we’ve completely eaten our own arses?
Would fuckin love a new IP tbh
Totally agree with your sentiment, but how about referring to it as “creative work” instead of “intellectual property”? I think the art and creativity is the missing piece, as studios don’t want to take even a minuscule risk.
Yeah that’s actually a great point, and I like the focus on artwork and creativity!
There’s tons of new IP. It’s just lots of people like sequels and reboots, so you’re going to get a bunch of them as well.
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I don’t mind because I hate Christopher Lambert with a passion. He is one of the worst actors I have ever had the misfortune of seeing. The guy butchered every role he had. The original Highlander is probably the only movie that is somewhat, kind of, watchable. But man, I hate this guy. He sucked ass as Raiden in MK, as Beowulf, as Highlander, as whatever else he even thought of acting.
I agree he is terrible. But he was kind of the perfect mess for highlander.
I love that movie but it was an amazing accident. I watched the commentary track and so many of the good scenes were last minute replacements for stupid ideas that they weren’t able to pull off.
I think if they had made the movie they intended it would have been just as good as highlander 2.
The amazing Queen soundtrack helps as well.
The first time I watched highlander (I hadn’t heard anything about the movie beforehand) I thought the actor must be Swedish, as his accent was so strange. Took me until the end of the movie he was just trying to be Scottish…
I’m waiting for a remake of ‘The Dirty Dozen’ where one actor named Chris plays all the roles.
Not interested unless they include rotoscope effects.
I’m conflicted as I love the original but there’s things that could be improved (a Scottish Spaniard? A French Scotsman?) and Highlander 2 torpedoed the franchise, it only really recovered to some extent with the TV series. So if they have new stories to tell, I’ll give it a go.
This is one of those movies I’m not holding my breath for. They’ve talked about rebooting/remaking it for so long. On the bright side, I hope this motivates Brian May to finally finish the Highlander soundtrack he was working on in the 2000s.
Also I hope they keep the Queen songs by Queen.
I thought Highlander already long since jumped the shark and died off after the sequel movie based on the sequel TV Show, but the Henry Cavill curse will doom this too, lol.