I am a yo ho ho pirate
isn’t that the sound that santa claus makes?
I wanna be the type of pirate that yells “SUPER!”
Minimum amount for photoshop is 22$/month
Pirate photoshop
Delete it
Pirate again
Repeat 30 times
Adobe looses 660$
If everyone does this adobe will loose so much
They get the money back when you delete it.
Imagine it was the other way around when people cancel their subscribtions
This is what Adobe genuinely thinks will happen
I pay $0 for GIMP. And it’s easy to install:
yay -S gimp
I use paru, BTW.
I use aura, BTW.
I pay 0€ for Krita, it doesn’t replace photoshop either.
Affinity ftw.
GIMP isn’t even comparable to PS tho. It’s not a replacement. It can’t even do half the things.
What kind of pirate is the one who copies a meme and reposts it for the 87th time on some platform because they don’t give a shit?
Idk, but probably better than the butt pirate that complains about it.
That response doesn’t answer the question, though. Do the yell “Arrrr” or “Yo ho ho” when pirating photoshop?
I don’t pirate Photoshop, but when pirating other things i exclusively yell “Yarrr!”
I go “Boo biiiip booooop grrrrrrrrrrrrrr uuuuuuhh piiiiiiiip uhiiiiihuiiii tiiiyyytuuuuuu KGGHGHGHGGHGH” when I pirate Photoshop.
Might need to upgrade my router sometime though.
It’s not even the price, I don’t even have the option to buy some content. What the hell, so many years and these people didn’t understood that we will watch the movie/show regardless of you wanring to sell it to me or not.
i.e. Shudder is not in my country, there is no “legal” way for.me to watch their shitty.movies. Do I just accept ir? No! I download the fuck out of that crappy cheap shit
I don’t even have the option to buy some content
For you it’s the general availability, but I also want to put importance on the “buy”: I just want to buy something outright, not pay for a subscription that locks me into using awful apps, enforcing ridiculous rules and giving me a lesser experience than the “free” version.
even if you’re in a “legal region” you still have to use a third-party website or app to find out which service has that episode of that season of that show because no service can be bothered to carry a complete show
Unironically the current situation with Sony.
Why are you selling Playstations in a country that can’t make their own PSN accounts???