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Goddamn it stop sending us your fascist rejects you Commonwealth motherfuckers.
Thiel, Musk, fucking Murdoch, and now Peterson?
Maybe, and this is just an idea, stop being so attractive to fascist rejects?
They’re like cockroaches, once a breeding colony gets going it’s impossible without fire.
Maybe don’t make your country so appealing to fascists?
He’s South African, so technically part of the Commonwealth
Oh right. Stupid commonwealth
Musk’s mother is canadian, he got citizenship through her
Oh god dammit. I didn’t know that.
Tell your president elect to stop joking about invading us and then maybe
I would if I thought he was joking, but historically speaking fascists start their conquests with neighbors of similar culture so…
When Canada sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us.
It raises the IQ of both countries.
Credit:Robert Muldoon
To Florida. Y’all can have him!
On the upside, Trump is actually right for once when he says “They’re not sending their best”.
Canada collectively sighs in relief as the carnivore transphobe moves out
Always convenient when the trash takes itself out.
Deport the dirty violent immigrant!
All I can say is up yours, alt-right moralist
How much of this is to attempt to keep his license?
He decided to move to a country that wasn’t at risk, but actually was, a totalitarian hellhole.
His dreams have come true.
Now, he, Rogan, and Muskypoo can have all the sleepovers they want.
The intellectual dark web! 🕸️🕷️
Damn immigrants…
Don’t let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out, sport.
As someone who used to listen to his podcasts and actually enjoyed them I got to say.
I never agreed with everything he said, but I enjoyed how he presented the ideas and talked about them (he was a lecturer after all)
But then he went off the deep end, imo it happened to Chappell too. I’m guessing it’s because he got so much criticism from a very loud minority that he basically doubled down on the opposite as much as he could.
At that time, I stopped enjoying his stuff, why? Cause it was less about, let’s talk about this topic and explore a unique (and very possibly wrong) perspective; to more like, they are all against me and the world is insane and only people who agree with me are sane.
I don’t think it’s out of malice, I think it’s because of polarization but imo if he was smart enough he would know better.
There are many lecturers, profs out there talking expressively about various topics that they’re actually qualified in.
I think a better explanation might be that he’s always had core beliefs that lead him towards these conclusions, but didn’t have the freedom to express them when he didn’t have the clout to balance the backlash. Recall his fame started with his profound opposition to respecting alternative pronouns. I’ve heard him say disproven stuff that dovetails with his worldview in his psychology class with utmost confidence, prior to him getting on anyone’s radar. If he went the deep end as a result of the criticism, that wouldn’t explain his earlier problematic positions.
Stop sending your rejects here.
I’m afraid that the Pied Piper of American stupidity has summoned the rats, and Jordan Peterson is obsessed with rats (heavily edited supercut).