The funny part is the capitalist are just as fond of centralized command and control economies as they said they never were.
And the capitalist well they’re giving the whole system very bad name at the moment much more than say in the last 10 years.
Exactly, capitalism ends up being just a handful of monopolies owned by the oligarchs as opposed to state owned companies owned by the public.
At best you can say if you have a system of profits and markets that that system is exquisitely fragile and soon becomes something entirely different.
These simple observations are why I relentlessly mock mainstream economics, particularly neoliberal ideas.
Uncle Milty Mr. free market fundamentalist himself, was paid to say things that like monopoly are just fine,
The part a lot of people don’t seem to understand is that capitalism is a dynamic system that evolves over time. My favorite illustration of this is the game of monopoly, everyone one starts with the exact same opportunity, and at the end all the capital will be in the hands of a single player through the mechanics of the game. That’s precisely what we see happening with capitalism in real life. Competition, which is the engine of the system, ensures that some companies win and grow, while others lose. As companies become bigger, they gain brand recognition, leverage economies of scale, and so on, making it unprofitable to try and compete with them.
The competition itself is a factor in economic instability and crisis, and it is in crisis that the ultrarich and the larger companies gain the most advantage because often by no fault of their own, the smaller or the unlucky run into a Cash flow problem and must sell their business for pennies on the dollar.
Competition also means over capacity.
This is why the ultrarich just love, economic crisis; they will make a killing off of other people’s economic distress.
If you don’t mind my asking, how is Lenny doing these days? I sort of sampled I kbin, when Reddit was busy lady pissing off everybody under the sun, but if some sort of retreated back to mastodon here which is easy.
Lemmy’s pretty lively. I definitely find it’s a lot better than Mastodon for discussion since it has threads. I tend to use Mastodon as a news feed, but Lemmy as a place to talk to people.
If you know the history of the game of Monopoly, it was designed to illustrate that point. It was created around the time of the great depression in the post stock market crash, maybe.
It would be a fabulous time right now in the midst of this insanity to start reviving then re-watching movies and new stories commentary from the 20s and the 30s.
History is rhyming up a storm
because they only become monopolies, because they’re “satisfying” the market best. If they start doing evil things, then magic market pixie dust will make a competitor.
Seriously, Mr. Champion of capitalism argued that wasn’t necessary to actually have competitors competing in a marketplace. The man should’ve been bitch slapped out of University as soon as he said bullshit like this.
We had oligarch Peter Thiel express this publicly too in a recent speech, “competition is for losers, our goals are monopolies”.
someone needs to make a hybrid of stalin and chad like the xi/chad meme. lol
that one gives off old man vibes; it’s needs be younger and more chad like xi’s:
maybe lenin would work better?
How has nobody said Chadimir Lenin yet?
lmao perfect
haha maybe
Didn’t Stalin murder a couple of people in the name of communism, maybe not the best image to associate with
Yes they murdered invading nazis.
“We have liberated Europe from fascism, but they will never forgive us for it.” - Marshal Zhukov
Counter-cointer point, Stalin was a murderous peice of shit who should be condemned to eternity for his atrocities against humanity. Anyone that thinks otherwise for some inconceivable reason needs to step outside and snort some fuckin grass for being such a self-centered dumbass. Some of yall need to visit an active war zone or two, actually see with your own fucking eyes the violent destruction, visceral death, and utter despair that evil fucks like Stalin create.
if you hate war and destruction so much why aren’t you this staunchly anti-US?
Your comment demonstrates infantile understanding of history and its lessons. Following the revolution, the Soviet Union faced a dire situation marked by economic collapse, civil war, and external threats from western powers. Stalin’s leadership during this critical period allowed the USSR to rapidly industrialize, transforming an agrarian economy into a global power capable of defending itself. Stalin’s Five-Year Plans were what allowed USSR to withstand the nazi invasion. This industrial might was crucial in turning the tide of the war, saving millions of lives, and liberating Europe. The only evil fucks here are the ones who want to rewrite history.
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average user right here lmao
The real world understand has logged on. 🤣
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What exactly are they supposed to learn? You haven’t actually presented any argument or reason, you’ve just gotten really really performativly agree at the idea of people believing differently to you
What I have learned here is that I’m having a discussion with an ignoramus who is a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
You sound very confident in your grasp of history for someone who got it from watching TV or reading from airport bookstores.
Thank you for contributing the same shit we hear from literal nazis from nazi germany
One should never rever Stalin or any authoritarian.
counterpoint: everyone should read writings from every historical world leader, you will be in for a surprise. You’ll find out that mainstream respected world leaders churchill and Teddy R almost echo hitler on their writings.
I’m not saying that those people are great, don’t pretend Stalin, the man that destroyed any hope of a effective socialist democracy, as a good person.
Regardless of one’s view on Stalin, I don’t think it’s accurate to say he destroyed democracy within the Soviet Union. The Soviets, both during Stalin and after Stalin (and before) had a form of democracy called “Soviet Democracy.” It was focused on electing delegates to serve at higher councils, called “Soviets.” See this graphic for how it functioned:
Also read Soviet Democracy by Pat Sloan if you are further interested.
The early USSR policies built strong socialists foundations, without a highly developed industry to produce material wealth there is no possibility of a socialist future, only of an abundance of povery.
This “destroyed any hope of a socialist democracy” comes from the mislead idealists that wanted the “war communism” implemented during the civil war to continue, which would’ve lead to a catastrophe of gargantuan proportions a couple of decades later with the invasion of Nazi Germany.
Stalin literally saved the world from the nazis so maybe you should take a step back and evaluate who your friends are