My personal theory is Meridian and soon Angel’s Venture are not being destroyed by the singularity, but transported to some Illuminate controlled space.
And then my crazy fringe theory is one day we will be able to travel through the singularity (via DSS?) to somehow save the planets and bring them back, while also taking the fight to the squid homeworld, maybe use the liberated planets as staging grounds before sending them back. But that is a gallon of hopium lol
Edit: He’s dead, Jim
Nah black hole mate. I vote no one touched the damn thing let’s see the devs panic as their central planet dies on them
It would be funny, but i do want to keep crushing the enemies of freedom for the time being.
BUT it would be funny.
You’ve been watching too many episodes of Shadow Raiders.
Next stop earth
I bet if Meridian ate a hellmire type planet, no one would say anything.