Here’s hoping they don’t get in when the next GE rolls around.
Just wish Labour would stop campaigning for them.
Dont blame Labour for the fact that 80% of the media is owned by people who’d love to get shits like Farage into office.
This here is the problem. Not just in the UK but the world.
Control why people see and hear, you control what they think.
And yet they’ll be millions of UK voters who will raise their Weatherspoons pints and cheer this on. Most likely 51%. All the same ones who hate foreigners, hate woke and hate anyone to the left of Enoch Powell.
That makes sense. We want to keep the market competitive by boosting legacy energy that destroys the planet but boosts out portfolios. Classic
To not realise that renewable energy means energy independence is the stupidest, shortest term thinking going. I don’t worry about heating my home even though where I live gets considerably colder than the UK. Why? Because it’s locally generated renewable energy.
“stupidest, shortest term thinking” well its is the reform party.
They realise it. That’s why they’re opposed to it. They want us dependent on fossil-fuel exporters: in particular, Russia.
Why don’t we put a tax on racist/nazi views? Every time you say in public something racist, your tax goes up by 10%.
Oh yeah. That sounds like a good idea. Siiiiigh.