It’s about time for some more ST!
What a great album.
This was my favorite album growing up. How will i laugh tomorrow is still an awesome song.
Sorry is one of my favs too
Hah, I was also thinking the same! But I’m so caught up in new shit I wanna share but don’t wanna overwhelm anyone subbed lol.
I wouldn’t worry. For now I will mostly be posting old stuff before the next discography review, so it should even out. Hence this post ;).
Ah nice! What’s the next discog review? Or would you rather not say?~
Ooohhh you’ll have to wait and see!
Nah it’s Destruction lol. Then it will be the big 4s finished for me so I can finally move on to other stuff.
That is, unless you think it would be worthwhile for me to go back and review the other bands I’ve already fully listened to. It would take a while, there’s loads haha. Could be interesting. I suppose I would only do one every so often to balance things out.
Which others have you fully listened to besides the obvious (Exodus, Anthrax, Slayer, etc)? And honestly it’s your call! Looking forward to Destruction tho, specially with the new album right around the corner.
The new album has already been released!
As for the ones I have already listened to:
- Demolition Hammer
- Municipal Waste
- Atrophy
- Havok
- Onslaught
- Warbringer
- Exodus
- Death Angel
- Coroner
- Lich King
- Slayer
- Venom
- Overkill
- Skeletonwitch
- Forbidden
- Testament
- Evildead
- Znöwhite
- Kreator
- S.O.D.
- Realm
- Ghoul
- Razor
- Sodom
- Goatwhore
- Dark Angel
- Power Trip
- Schizophrenia (USA)
- Evile
- Toxic Holocaust
- Megadeth
(I think there’s a few missing from the list).